Today's Real-time Exchange Rate

1 USD =

7.2358 CNY

Reverse rate: 1 CNY = 0.1382 USD   Update time: 2025-03-15 03:00:02

The exchange rate between the USD and the CNY on 2025-03-15 is 7.2358

Here is the exchange rate between USD and CNY!

1 USD=7.2358 CNY

10 USD=72.358 CNY

50 USD=361.79 CNY

100 USD=723.58 CNY

500 USD=3617.9 CNY

1000 USD=7235.8 CNY

10000 USD=72358 CNY

1 CNY can be exchanged for 0.1383 USD

1 CNY=0.1383 USD

10 CNY=1.383 USD

50 CNY=6.915 USD

100 CNY=13.83 USD

1000 CNY=138.3 USD

The above is the exchange rate between USD and CNY today!