Today's Real-time Exchange Rate
1 USD =
7.244 CNY
Reverse rate: 1 CNY = 0.1380 USD
Update time: 2024-11-29 01:14:01
The exchange rate between the JPY and the CNY on 2024-11-09 is 0.0470
Here is the exchange rate between JPY and CNY!
1 JPY=0.047 CNY
10 JPY=0.47 CNY
50 JPY=2.35 CNY
100 JPY=4.7 CNY
500 JPY=23.5 CNY
1000 JPY=47 CNY
10000 JPY=470 CNY
1 CNY can be exchanged for 21.2170 JPY
1 CNY=21.217 JPY
10 CNY=212.17 JPY
50 CNY=1060.85 JPY
100 CNY=2121.7 JPY
1000 CNY=21217 JPY
The above is the exchange rate between JPY and CNY today!